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Maryna Haretskaya31 май 2024 г.
A party for 60 people in the center of Warsaw. A provocative display window and not a hint of modesty.
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17 years in the stage costume and jewellery design industry
Maryna Haretskaya4 апр. 2024 г.
17 years in the stage costume and jewellery design industry
From a dream to owning a globally renowned business. From libraries and museums to creating unique silver talismans. A 17-year journey...
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Maryna Haretskaya20 янв. 2024 г.
Fashion week is always a high concentration of the most stylish people, especially if it's in Milan. I enjoy following such events, examining outfits and styles, but I've never thought...
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Pendulum. The story of the first piece of jewellery I created like the GORECHIK brand.
Maryna Haretskaya9 янв. 2024 г.
Pendulum. The story of the first piece of jewellery I created like the GORECHIK brand.
It's a long journey about how I decided to share my inner world through silver jewellery. For many years, I crafted jewellery for myself, but one cold spring evening, everything...
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What do you see?
Maryna Haretskaya26 дек. 2023 г.
What do you see?
Looking at these paintings, I don't see myself in them. I don't see Maryna, who lives in Warsaw, with all her ups and downs. I don't project onto a living...
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My own silver world. Presentation 2023
Maryna Haretskaya24 дек. 2023 г.
My own silver world. Presentation 2023
While I was being taught to expand my boundaries, I realized that I don't have any at all. I conceive, create, and execute with a full understanding that anything is...
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Finding Your Perfect Ring Size: A Home Measurement Guide
Maryna Haretskaya29 нояб. 2023 г.
Finding Your Perfect Ring Size: A Home Measurement Guide
Find Your Perfect Ring Fit with GORECHIK Check the ring size at home to choose Your perfect Gorechik shape through the string/paper method or DIY ring sizer. By following our home measurement guide,...
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Water, my element
Maryna Haretskaya27 нояб. 2023 г.
Water, my element
Water, my element. My source of strength is where the waves roar. My name, Marina, translates from Latin to mean 'of the sea.' Since childhood, I've felt this connection and...
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History behind Gorechik
Maryna Haretskaya18 нояб. 2023 г.
History behind Gorechik
The true essence of jewellery cannot be described in words but can only be felt through contact with the form and soul of the pieces. They are created to be...
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